Action of Alcohol on Internal Organs
Action on the Stomach
The action of alcohol on the stomach is extremely dangerous. It hampers the production of natural digestive fluids, leading to inadequate digestion and absorption of food. Alcoholic individuals often experience symptoms like nausea, emptiness, prostration, and distention. This creates an aversion to food and a strong craving for more alcohol, resulting in a permanent disorder called dyspepsia. Chronic indigestion is a common consequence of excessive alcohol consumption.
How the Liver Gets Affected
The liver is the organ most significantly affected by alcohol abuse. Normally, the liver has the ability to store active substances in its cells. However, with continuous alcohol consumption, the liver is constantly exposed to alcohol and becomes saturated with it. The liver’s delicate structure is affected, impairing proper filtration and secretion. The liver enlarges due to vessel dilation, fluid accumulation, and tissue thickening. This leads to the obstruction of blood flow and can cause the lower parts of the body to become swollen. Furthermore, excessive alcohol consumption can result in the accumulation of fatty cells in the liver, a condition known as fatty liver.
How the Kidneys Deteriorate
Excessive alcohol consumption also has detrimental effects on the kidneys. The blood vessels in the kidneys lose their elasticity and ability to contract. The minute structures within the kidneys undergo fatty modifications, allowing albumin from the blood to easily pass through their membranes. This gradual loss of blood components weakens the body over time.
Congestion of the Lungs
Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the blood vessels in the lungs, making them more susceptible to congestion. Fluctuations in atmospheric temperature can easily lead to lung congestion, especially in alcoholics. Severe winter seasons can be particularly dangerous for individuals who consume alcohol excessively.
Alcohol Weakens the Heart
Alcohol consumption has a profound impact on the heart. The protective membranes and tissues surrounding the heart undergo changes, becoming thickened, cartilaginous, or calcareous. This leads to permanent valvular disorders. The blood vessels connected to the heart also experience structural changes, losing their elasticity and ability to efficiently supply blood to the heart. Additionally, the muscular tissue of the heart degenerates, either being replaced by fatty cells or transformed into a weaker muscular texture with reduced contraction capabilities.
Those who suffer from these organic deteriorations of the circulatory system often become aware of their condition only when it has significantly progressed. They may experience a central failure of power due to minor causes like overexertion, stress, lack of rest, or prolonged fasting. They describe this sensation as a ‘sinking’ feeling, which can be temporarily relieved by consuming alcohol or other stimulants. However, as the damage advances, even these remedies fail. The overworked heart reaches its limit and the central control of blood circulation breaks down. The blood flow may become obstructed, gradually causing tissue damage, or it may abruptly cease due to minor shocks or excessive movement.
Alcohol’s impact on internal organs is devastating. From the stomach to the liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart, excessive alcohol consumption leads to structural and functional impairments. The consequences range from digestive disorders, liver damage, kidney deterioration, lung congestion, to weakened cardiac function. It is crucial to raise awareness about the harmful effects of alcohol on our internal organs and promote responsible drinking habits.